Consider It All Joy When You Encounter Various Trials And Tribulations
Consider It All Joy When You Encounter Various Trials And Tribulations' title='Consider It All Joy When You Encounter Various Trials And Tribulations' />Peter 1 6 In all this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials. Wherein ye greatly rejoice. His scope, says Leighton, is to stir up and strengthen spiritual joy in his afflicted brethren and therefore having set the matter of it before them in the preceding verses, he now applies it, and expressly opposes it to their distresses. There is a little doubt as to the antecedent of the word wherein. At first sight it would seem to be in the last time, and the thought would then be that this last time, with all its predicted afflictions, was already begun, and that the Pontine Hebrews were fulfilling the injunction of our Lord in Luke 2. This makes good sense, but it is better to see the antecedent in the whole complex sense of the preceding verses, concerning the hope of glory. In this thing ye rejoice, that ye are begotten again that there is such an inheritance, and that you are made heirs of it that it is kept for you, and you for it that nothing can come betwixt you and it, and disappoint you of possessing and enjoying it, though there be many deserts and mountains and seas in the way, yet you are ascertained that you shall come safe thither. Leighton. Though now for a season. Literally, after having been grieved in the present if it must be so for a little while in the midst of manifold temptations. Anna Wickham Poetess and Landlady. Celebrated in America, appreciated in FranceAnna Wickham, mistress of words that sing and words that devastate, is still. In addition to the wonderful thoughts and poems presented here, youll find links to these special writings below. When you click on the underlined titles. What are the best RPGs on PC It is not an easy question to answer, especially given the number of them out there and the hours required to beat them were. Expository study of James When we encounter trials, we should count it as joy, submitting to God, knowing that He is using it for our maturity. Download Free Pedigree Software Program on this page. A Field Guide to Being a 12yr Old Girl. This is a film about 12yearold girls, made by 12yearold girls, for 12yearold girls, or anyone that has been a 12year. Hebrews New Testament Commentary Series, by Ray C. Stedman. The Apostle takes his stand at the moment of the revelation and looks back upon the fast passing present and its griefs. What the temptations were we cannot tell but the word manifold shows that it was not only one type of temptation under which all lay alike. The chief was probably the unkind attitude of Gentile neighbours 1. Peter 2 1. 2 1. Peter 2 1. Peter 3 1. 4 1. Peter 4 4 1. Peter 4 1. Identical words in the Greek occur in James 1 2 3, so as almost to suggest a common origin possibly to be found in Romans 5 3. If need be. Or, if it must be so. To encourage them to bear up St. Peter throws in this phrase, so as not to take it for granted that they will have to suffer he hopes it may not be so. Comp. 1. Peter 3 1. D Flash Games For Pc here. Verse 6. Wherein ye greatly rejoice. Is the word wherein to be referred to the whole sentence, and to be understood of the Christians present privileges and hopes Authorities are divided. Of those who take the latter view some regard the last time as the object of the Christians joyful hope he rejoices now in the hope of the glory of God others give the verb a quasi future sense wherein ye will greatly rejoice. But the former connection seems more natural the Christian rejoices in his present and future blessings in the new birth, in the hope of the heavenly inheritance, in the assured protection of God. The verb is a strong expression it means to exult, to leap for joy. St. Peter may have had in his thoughts the well remembered sermon on the mount, where the same word occurs Matthew 5 1. It is used of our Lord himself in Luke 1. Philippian gaolers joy in his newborn faith Acts 1. Revelation 1. 9 7. There is, therefore, nothing unsuitable in taking the verb in its proper present signification the Christians experience is often, like St. Pauls, sorrowful, yet always rejoicing. Some commentators, following St. Augustine, regard the verb as imperative. Though now for a season, if need be, ye are in heaviness through manifold temptations. The word rendered for a season, a little may mean that the present suffering is but little compared with the future glory it may cover both meanings comp. Corinthians 4 1. Our light affliction, which is but for a moment. St. Peter, like St. Paul, enforces the lesson that that light affliction, which seems sometimes so heavy, is sent in love and wisdom the words, if need be, imply his belief that these trials were necessary for his readers salvation they would work for them a tar more exceeding and eternal weight of glory. The words, ye are in heaviness, represent the aorist participle, having been put to grief it refers to definite afflictions, known to St. Peter, which had been suffered by those to whom he is writing. The words, manifold temptations, remind us of James 1 2. Wherein ye greatly rejoice. The Vulgate Latin version reads, in which ye shall rejoice and so the Syriac version, adding, for ever and refer these words to the last time or, times spoken of in the preceding verse when the saints will greatly rejoice, being in full possession of eternal salvation in distinction from the present time, in which they are in heaviness but it is better to read the words in the present tense, and as expressive of the saints in this life, who are blessed with that fruit of the Spirit, joy, and have always reason to rejoice, and greatly rejoice. The connection is with the whole that goes before and the sense is this, that regenerated persons rejoice, in that they are the elect of God, according to his everlasting love towards them, and free grace, and good will in their regeneration, which is an evidence of their election of God in the abundant mercy of God displayed in their regeneration and in that lively hope of eternal life which is the effect of it and in the resurrection of Christ from the dead, which secures their justification of life, and their resurrection from the dead and in the inheritance they are born heirs unto and in their preservation to it by the power of God through faith and in that complete salvation which is ready for them, and in a short time will be revealed, to which they are kept though now for a season, if need be, ye are in heaviness, through manifold temptations. This seems to be a contrast, but is no real contradiction for the character of the saints in this world is, that they are as sorrowful, yet always rejoicing, 2 Corinthians 6 1. Free family reunion Essays and Papers. Your search returned over 4. Next. These results are sorted by most relevant first ranked search. You may also sort these by color rating.